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Showing posts with label villa di medan dijual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label villa di medan dijual. Show all posts
Thursday, July 23, 2020 July 23, 2020
DIJUAL Objek Wisata Resort Hotel Restaurant Outbound Pantai Cermin Medan <del>Rp 350.000.000.000,-</del> <price>Rp 320.000.000.000,-</price> <code>MH-TOP1</code>

DIJUAL Objek Wisata Resort Hotel Restaurant Outbound Pantai Cermin Medan Rp 350.000.000.000,- Rp 320.000.000.000,- MH-TOP1

Dijual objek wisata daerah Pantai Cermin Medan , Serdang Bedagai / Deliserdang, Sumatera Utara, dengan Total Luas Lahan 20 Hektar (HA)....

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villa di medan dijual
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